New Online service for 2023
We are pleased to announce our new telehealth service....
Headaches are organic, complex and unique to the individual and as such no one-size treatment plan fits all.
The strength of osteopathy’s holistic approach is that it seeks to envelop the whole body and thus treats the person rather than the condition.
An active management plan is agreed upon, in order to identify any modifiable headache triggers. We have been fortunate that an example of our successful approach has recently been published on pages Challenging Migraine.
View customer's story here - (pages 8-10)
Medications and Acupuncture
Many sufferers use or have used several medications either on prescription or purchased over the counter.
The current clinical guidelines (NICE Nov 2015) concerning the suitability of medications and acupuncture for the treatment of Migraine headaches can be found here.
There is growing recognition now that our “sensitivity” to chemicals, foodstuffs, altered temperature etc can be caused by underlying problems with our immune and/or neurological systems. MCAS is short for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and is a condition whereby abnormal mast cells can release a selection from over 1000 chemicals into the body. Symptoms vary from person to person but include skin rashes, dry eyes, altered heart rate, anaphylaxis, gut upsets, altered bowel habits….etc
PoTS is short for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and is a condition whereby the heart rate increases abnormally on sitting or standing. Typical symptoms include dizziness and fainting.
EDS is short for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and is a collection of conditions which can affect your connective tissue primarily your skin, joints and blood vessels. The most common type is associated with being very flexible and is called either hypermobile EDS or a Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder.
The overlap between MCAS, PoTS and hEDS is known and the research is growing.
In my clinic, most patients describe symptoms associated with one or more of these conditions which is the reason behind my advanced training with the Ehlers Danlos Society.
Janet therefore assesses the whole spectrum of symptoms and is committed to diagnosing accurately ensuring that your head pain and symptoms will not be incorrectly diagnosed.
Double-jointedness or Hypermobility is a term used to describe joints that move (or used to move) beyond normal ranges due to lax ligaments and alterations in collagen. It can affect the fingers and toes, the jaw and neck or be generalised throughout the body. It is more noticeable when young when joints “click" but as people age, they often feel “as stiff as a board”.
When hypermobility is associated with muscle strains, soft tissue injury, joints slipping out of place and/or fatigue, it is referred to clinically, as a Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD).
There is often a family history of bendiness which is most remarkable in children.
Sometimes the skin can be mildly stretchy with easy bruising and poor wound healing which alongside hypermobility may be referred to clinically as hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). It can be associated with persisting fatigue, anxiety and digestive issues.
Janet is double-jointed herself and specialises in dealing with the musculoskeletal manifestations of hypermobility. She is Professional Member of the Hypermobility Syndromes Association (HMSA) an EDS Echo Allied Healthcare Professional.
More than just a headache?
IBS/Digestive issues/Low Energy
Some headache sufferers also complain of digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, excess gas, sore/uncomfortable or easily upset tummies.
Some researchers believe that malabsorption of essential minerals such as magnesium, co-enzyme Q10 or Vitamin D contribute to headaches. Find out more:
If you suspect that there may be foods which don’t agree with you, perhaps you feel your histamine levels are high or you have some form of digestive issue, please discuss this with Janet, as many headache sufferers also have Mast Cell Disorders that need further investigation.
The latest news from Cellardyke Headche Clinic
We are pleased to announce our new telehealth service....
Janet has now completed her specialist training with the Ehlers-Danlos Society under the guidance of Dr A Hakim, Consultant Rheumatologist...
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you
Janet Gravener works holistically and in synergy with headache sufferers, combining their own complex and unique experiences and treatment preferences with her advanced, evidence based training and holistic clinical expertise.
23 George Street
Fife, KY10 3AS
07774 777 478